See the following article for more information:
The MOVE DATASET command allows you to move a list of datasets identified by dataset selection functions (using either DATASET or DATASET_ID) to a subfolder under the current folder.
In cases where the target folder does not exist, it will then be created. It also ensures that there are no naming conflicts with the target folder.
MOVE DATASET <dataset function list> TO "path";
If a dataset already exists in the target folder, you must disambiguate the dataset name when using Crunch Automation. This adds a number in parentheses at the end of the dataset name (e.g., My Dataset (1)).
Views cannot be renamed. In the event of a conflicting view name, an error will occur when running this command.
MOVE DATASET <dataset function list> TO "path" DISAMBIGUATE;
MOVE DATASET DATASET("Path|to|abcd"), dataset_id("defg") TO "YouGov|Europe";