How do I set up a new dashboard? Is the process different from how I previously set up a dashboard?
Scriptable dashboards have their own container type in the ‘tray’ where analyses get saved.
The tray menu has separate options for “New deck…” and “New dashboard…”. Decks and dashboards are now represented by different icons.
How are the new scriptable dashboards different from the current dashboards?
For a viewer, scriptable dashboards have a cleaner look and feel. For dataset editors, below are a few of the primary differences:
- Scriptable dashboards, as the name suggests, have a user-editable script behind them. Editors can view the script for every element of a dashboard – individual tiles, full tabs, and entire dashboards - and you can duplicate these with a simple copy and paste.
- Datasets can now have any number of scriptable dashboards.
- Scriptable dashboards support two additional types of tiles – Videos and “External resources”.
- Scriptable dashboards have their own container type in the ‘tray’ where analyses get saved. Note, you will need to create a dashboard container if you want to build a dashboard.
For full details, please refer to the following help center article:
Will my current dashboards suddenly look different or work differently for viewers?
Your current dashboards will look and work the same until they are migrated at a later date. We will be in contact with you to make this arrangement nearer the time.
Can I have more than one dashboard on a dataset?
Datasets can now have any number of scriptable dashboards. If there is more than one dashboard, the “Dashboard” button in the header changes to a dropdown where the user can choose which one to view. When in a dashboard, a new “Switch dashboard” dropdown is shown when there is a choice of dashboards.
Can I have both my current and new scriptable dashboards on one dataset?
A dataset will have either the previous or the new scriptable dashboards enabled.
Can I have both my current and new scriptable dashboards in my account?
Starting on February 7, 2023, any dashboard created on a new or existing dataset that does not already have a dashboard will automatically be a scriptable dashboard. Any current dashboards will remain as they are until they are migrated at a later date. We will be in contact with you to make this arrangement nearer the time.
If I save analyses to a deck and want to convert that deck to a dashboard, can I do that?
In order to create a new scriptable dashboard, it is important to create a dashboard container in the ‘tray’ if you would like it to be a dashboard. There is no conversion from a deck in the ‘tray’ to a dashboard.
How long will my current dashboards work? When will my current dashboards be turned off?
There is not a date set currently for when existing style dashboards will be turned off, but prior to that point, we will work with you to migrate existing dashboards over to the scriptable type.
How do I migrate my current dashboards to the new version?
This is something that Crunch will handle for you. We will be in touch when it is time to migrate, but if you have any particular projects that you think would benefit from being moved over to scriptable dashboards, please let us know and we’ll work with you to do so.
When can I migrate my current dashboards to the new version?
This is something that Crunch will handle for you. We will be in touch when it is time to migrate, but if you have any particular projects that you think would benefit from being moved over to scriptable dashboards, please let us know and we’ll work with you to do so.
What happens to my current dashboard once it has been migrated?
The new, scriptable version of the dashboard looks the same, with a slightly cleaner look and feel. It has all the same functionality that you are accustomed to, along with the new functionality of scriptability, the ability to create multiple dashboards on a dataset, and the addition of new types of tiles.
I’ve already shared a URL for a dashboard. Will the same link work for the new dashboard?
The new, scriptable version of the dashboard will be a different URL. You can access the new URL by going to the dataset and viewing the dashboard from the menu.
Can the people with whom I share viewer access to a dashboard view or edit the new dashboard scripts?
The permissions on a dashboard remain as they currently are. Viewers are able to interact with the dashboard as they have always, only Editors will be able to view or edit the scripts for the elements on the dashboard.
How do I duplicate a tile on a dashboard?
With the dashboard in edit mode, hover over the tile that you would like to duplicate and select “Edit script”. Copy the script that appears on the next screen to your clipboard or a text editor of your choice. To generate the new tile, click the + menu at the top right of the screen and select “New from script.” Paste the script in the window, make any changes that are needed, and click “Create tile” on the bottom right.
How do I duplicate an entire tab on a dashboard?
With the dashboard in edit mode, click on the tab that you would like to duplicate and select “Edit script” from the drop-down menu. Copy the script that appears on the next screen to your clipboard or a text editor of your choice. To generate the new tab, click the + menu at the top right of the screen or next to the current tabs to create a new, untitled tab. Select “Edit script” from the drop-down menu on the new tab. Paste the script in the window, overwriting the current content. Make any changes that are needed, and click “Update script” on the bottom right.