Filters are used to show a subset of the data that matches a specified set of values for specified variables. The Filters area near the top of the page shows what filters are currently applied.
There are three ways to create filters in Crunch:
- Using simple-drag-drop into dropzones on the screen
- Using the Filter Builder
- Importing a variable
Creating a filter
The fastest way to make a filter to drag a variable from the sidebar and drop it on the Filter by dropzone.
Once the variable is dropped, a dropdown will open, allowing you to choose the category of the variable to filter by.
The new filter will be named Variable Name: Category Name.
If you click a filter created in this manner, the dropdown will reopen and you can select a different category (allowing you, for example, to quickly look at the data filtered by several categories of the same variable).
Selecting an existing filter
When you click the filter bar, you may see one or more filters available that were created and saved by the dataset editors.
Shared Filters can only be created by editors and are available to all users on a dataset. Personal Filters are filters you created and are only available to you.
Click a saved filter to replace the current filter with the selected one. You can add a second or third saved filter by clicking the + that appears when hovering near the filter bar.
Removing a filter
To remove a filter, hover over it in the filter bar and click the 'x' that appears in the corner.
Saving an Existing Combination of Filters
Once you have created multiple filters you may find it useful to save that combination of filters into a single filter. To do this, select Save Applied Filters... from the filter dropdown. This will open the filter builder with the currently selected filters combined into one. See Managing Filters for more information on the filter builder.