Multitables allow you to create analyses using multiple column variables. Sometimes called ‘banners’ or ‘crossbreaks’, they let you quickly see multiple breakdowns of a variable of interest. To use multitables, start by selecting multitable view from the view toggle at the top of the application:
When multitable view is opened, the most recently created multitable definition that is available to you will be applied, with the first variable in the dataset being used as the rows.
To change the multitable definition, click the name in the upper left and select the definition you want to use from the dropdown menu:
Showing means in a multitable
If you are using a numeric variable or a categorical variable that has numeric values (see Variable Properties), you can open the dropdown menu attached to the row variable and click Show Means to show a single row containing the mean of the row variable in each column. Select Show Ranges to show binned ranges and Show Discrete Values to show each value as its own row.
Exporting a Multitable to Excel
You can export the currently displayed multitable to Excel by clicking Export in the upper-right corner in multitable view, and then choosing Export this table. See Exporting Tab Books for more information about exporting an entire tab book using the currently selected multitable header.
Creating and Editing Multitable Definitions
You can create one or more multitable definitions (collections of column variables) in a dataset. If you are a dataset editor, you can make these definitions available to all users on a dataset.
When multitable view is opened, if there are no multitable definitions available to you, the builder will open immediately. Otherwise, you can open the builder by clicking the multitable name in the upper-left corner and selecting New multitable…. You can also view or edit an existing multitable by hovering over it in the dropdown list and clicking view or edit. Which option is available depends on whether you have permission to edit that multitable - multitables that you do not have permission to edit will have a dot next to them, just like filters.
You can add variables to the multitable definition by clicking tor dragging them from the sidebar. You can also add filters to the multitable by putting your mouse over the dropzone and then clicking to reveal your list of filters. Select one to add it as a column in your multitable, or choose New filter to build a new one and immediately add it as a column. You can remove a variable or a filter that you've added by hovering over it and clicking the x that appears next to the name.
Hiding Columns
You may wish to hide some columns of a multitable (for example ‘decline to state’ or ‘not asked’). You can hide a multitable column while in the multitable builder by clicking on the column title – it will turn gray. Click the column title again to unhide it. When the multitable definition is used, this column will not be displayed.
Sharing Multitable Definitions
If you are a dataset editor, you will see the Shared With dropdown in the upper-right corner.
Set this to Only me to make the multitable available only to yourself. Set it to All dataset viewers to allow all users on this dataset to see and use this multitable. If you are on a team that has access to this dataset, you can also choose to make this multitable available to only that team.
Deleting a Multitable Definition
To delete a multitable definition, edit it, click Delete in the lower-right corner, and confirm that you’d like to delete it.
Explore further with multitables
See the following tutorial to learn more about working with multitables: