See the following articles for more information:
The CREATE MULTIPLE DICHOTOMY FROM command allows you to create a new derived Multiple Response variable by using an existing categorical array variable as input by indicating which code to use as a selected category
A common usage for this command is to create a "top box" multiple response variable from a categorical array, which is illustrated below.
Optional arguments
- The LABELS argument allows you to indicate alternative names that the subvariables will have on the new multiple response variable. If omitted, then the same labels will be copied over.
- The ALIASES argument allows you to indicate the unique aliases to use on the subvariables of the new responses.
- The COPY option allows you to copy the description or notes from the input array.
[LABELS "string", ..., "string"]
[aliases alias, ..., alias]
SELECTED code|"label", ..., code|"label"
AS alias, ..., alias
[TITLE "string"]
[NOTES "string" | COPY];
Use case
The following example describes how to derive a multiple response variable from a categorical array, by selecting two of the responses pertaining to "At least weekly" on the ordinal scale (so in that sense, the example here is akin to a "top 2 box" summary).
In the following image, the categorical array has an "At least weekly" subtotal. In the subsequent multiple response, it has the same selections for each of the social media channels:
SELECTED "Several times a day", "About once a day"
AS sns2_weekly
TITLE "Use Internet at least weekly"
DESCRIPTION "Thinking about the social media sites you use... About how often do you visit or use....?";
The resulting multiple response variable contains the same level of missingness as the input categorical array from which it is derived. Note that the values correspond to the "At least weekly" subtotal (e.g., 42% for Twitter):