See Crunch Automation basics for more information.
The SET MISSING command allows you to change whether a category is set to be “missing” and excluded from the base of percentages. It can also work on multiple response variables.
When used on multiple variables, they all need to share the categories referenced (in name and category id). The changes will happen in place on the same variable.
The command can only be used on categorical variables (including categorical arrays). If you need to exclude values from a numeric variable, you should consider using the CREATE NUMERIC CASE command.
Optional argument
You can use NOT to declare categories as being non-missing.
SET [NOT] MISSING code|"label", ..., code|"label" IN alias, ..., alias;
Use case
Many of the variables in the 2019 Mobile Technology and Broadband example file include “Don’t know” and “Refused” categories that we may want to set to missing. For the following two variables, we can set them as missing all at once:
SET MISSING "(VOL) Don't know", "(VOL) Refused" IN hisp, birth_hisp;