See Crunch Automation basics for more information.
The CREATE MULTITABLE command allows you to create public multitables for the dataset.
You can simply specify which variables you want to sit side-by-side across the columns. You must specify a name for the multitable.
Optional arguments
The following optional arguments must be enclosed within rounded brackets (see examples below):
- LABELS — allows you to label the columns in the multitable, without changing the contributing variable’s labels.
- HIDE — indicates the categories you may wish to hide for each variable. You can do this by either specifying the category id code or by label. Note: the category id is not the same as the numeric value.
alias [([LABELS code|"label"="string", ..., code|"label"="string"] [HIDE code|"label", ..., code|"label"])],
alias [([LABELS code|"label"="string", ..., code|"label"="string"] [HIDE code|"label", ..., code|"label"])]
NAME "string";
Use case
In the 2019 Mobile Technology and Home Broadband 2019 example file, you might like to make a multitable out of some demographic variables.
Consider the following two variables:
Both variables include two categories that we want to hide (“(VOL) Don’t know”, “(VOL) Refused”). Using the following command, we may also want to rename the Hispanic Yes/No answers to be clearer to the end viewer:
hisp (LABELS 1 = "Hispanic", 2 = "Non-hispanic" HIDE "(VOL) Don't know", "(VOL) Refused"),
birth_hisp (HIDE "(VOL) Don't know", "(VOL) Refused")
NAME "Hispanic Origins";
- If you want to combine categories (e.g., combine “Puerto Rico” with “Another country”), you must do so before adding the new variable with the combined categories to the multitable.
- If you want to change or remove the descriptions of the variables, you do this in the contributing variables. It will automatically flow through into the multitable.