Have you tried Crunch Automation?
You can automate many of the features described on this page with Crunch Automation, which allows you to script tasks through the use of simple commands. See the following articles to learn more about Crunch Automation:Crunch allows users to combine categories into a new variable, or show computed subtotals alongside the detailed categories of a variable. Subtotals can summarize several categories, replacing mental math with displayed values to show the sum of “Strongly agree” and “Somewhat agree” categories, for example. This goes by a number of names, including “Top Box” or “Nets”, depending on the local idiom. Crunch calls this family of features Subtotals.
Categorical Variables
Subtotals can be applied to any Categorical variable by opening the variable Properties menu and selecting Subtotals and differences. From here, you can choose to create either a subtotal or a calculated difference, but in this article, we will just be focusing on creating subtotals. For details on how to create a calculated difference, see here. Clicking Create subtotal brings up a list of the variable categories and a dropzone:
Simply drag the desired categories into the dropzone to combine them into a subtotal. Give the subtotal a name and click Done:
You can see the new subtotal ("Less than $50,000"):
You can also create additional subtotals by repeating the steps described above. The following shows the next subtotal, "$50,000 or more":
When you return to the previous screen, you are able to drag the subtotal from its default placement at the top of the list to anywhere else. If the subtotal is placed at either the top or the bottom of the list then it will stay in that position, but if you place the subtotal beneath another category in the list then it will be 'anchored' to that category and will move with it as sorting is applied. In rare cases, it may make sense to insert a subtotal in the table body, but in general, subtotals are best grouped at the top or the bottom of the categories list:
The following shows both of the subtotals in their new positions:
You can also return to this screen at any time to delete or reposition a subtotal, or click edit on a subtotal to change either its name or the categories included.
When you save and go back to the variable card, you will now see the subtotals next to the existing categories:
Whenever you include this variable in an analysis or multitable, the subtotals will be cross-tabulated just like any other category. For example, here we are taking a look at our subtotaled categories by marital status:
Multiple Response Variables
Categories of a multiple response variable can also be combined, though it requires more than simply adding up their counts for a regular categorical subtotal. In the same way, as for categorical variables, you access subtotals from the variable properties menu and clicking the Subtotals button.
Add a new subtotal by clicking the Create subtotal button and then give your new subtotal a name. Drag in the categories you want to include in this subtotal and then click Done. Categories you no longer want to include can be removed by clicking the small x icon, which appears upon hover over each category in the drop-zone.
Previously-created multiple response variables with subtotals can be edited by returning to the properties panel for that variable and re-entering the “Subtotals” interface, from where you can add new subtotals, delete existing subtotals, or make edits to the categories included in subtotals.