Customize Export Settings for saved slides in the deck
Crunch offers table-specific customizations that can be helpful if you need to:
- show more than one measure at once (percentages, counts, indices, Z-scores, population estimates), or
- have additional elements or measures included in your exports that aren‘t shown in the app at all, such as pairwise column comparison letters (ABCD), standard deviations, standard errors etc., or
- control the appearance of the output by changing the number of decimal places or the location of the Base rows, and so on.
These are in addition to the options that control how an analysis is displayed (in a dashboard) and exported (to PowerPoint or Excel), which include editing labels, hiding rows / columns / categories, reordering rows / columns / categories and choosing colors and applying palettes.
You can find out more about those other customization options here.
Accessing the table-specific export customization options
These controls can be found on the “Export settings” tab when editing a saved analysis. To get to these settings, click “edit” on a saved table analysis, either upon hover in the deck or in “edit” mode in a dashboard:
The “Export settings” tab can be found at the top of the panel that appears. Note that this feature only applies to the export of tables, and therefore won’t be shown for other visualization types.
All saved tables will use the default export settings unless you choose to override them, so upon first viewing the Export settings tab, the selection will be for "Default" settings:
If you wish to change those settings for this particular analysis, switch to “Custom”. That will reveal a set of additional options.
The Export Settings panel
These options are almost exactly the same set of options available for customizing multitable exports.
The selections you make here will be applied to exports of this analysis whenever this deck or dashboard is exported, including exports done by other users (i.e. these settings become properties of the saved analysis and are therefore used by everyone who exports it). But they will apply to just this analysis, allowing you to choose different preferences for different analyses in your deck. In the future, you may be able to set default-options for a deck or when requesting each export.