API Keys
Please contact support to enable this feature as API Keys are not turned on by default.
Crunch allows you to use API keys, which provides enhanced security protection to your account. The following provides a brief description of how API keys work and how you can use the Crunch UI to manage them.
How API Keys work
API keys are a code used to securely identify and authenticate an application or user in Crunch. With an API key, you have the ability to give SSO users a key that allows them to access the Crunch API without having to issue a password. You are then able to store the API key as an environment variable within your application.
API keys in Crunch are only valid using the workspace associated with the user’s account. See the following for more information.
Managing API keys
- Sign in to Crunch.
- Click the vertical three dots on the upper right and select 'User Settings' in the panel that appears.
- Click the 'Create API key' link to create a new key.
- Click the icon on the right to copy the key.
- To delete and reset an API key, click the 'Reset API key' link:
- The following prompt appears:
- Click Cancel to retain your existing key or Reset to create a new key.