Crunch chooses sensible defaults for analyses on a dashboard but it’s common to want to customize the appearance of dashboards and dashboard tiles (available only to dataset editors). To help you do this, Crunch offers both an overall dashboard edit mode and individual edit panels for each tile.
Dashboard-level options
Dataset editors working in a Crunch dashboard will see an “Edit” button in the top right of the header. Click this to enter Edit mode:
Once in edit mode, numerous options become available.
Moving and Resizing Tiles
When in edit mode, each tile can be dragged and dropped to place it somewhere else on a flexible 12-square grid. You’ll see that the other dashboard tiles simply move out of the way to accommodate the new position, making it really easy to get the layout you want.
Upon hover, the dashboard tiles also show a draggable corner (bottom right) that allows you to resize that tile:
Some visualizations naturally look better when larger, smaller, taller, wider, etc. so get creative and come up with some layouts that really make your data shine.
Changing a dashboard’s properties
A dashboard is given a name and a width (optional) when it is first created. The name then appears in the header of the dashboard, but this name (and the width, if set) can be changed via the dashboard properties panel, accessed via this button in edit mode:
or, via the main dashboard menu:
To find out more about setting a dashboard's width, see this article.
Adding Tabs
- Add and work with tabs in a Crunch dashboard
Adding Rich-text tiles and Video tiles
- Add and work with rich-text tiles and video tiles in a Crunch dashboard
Adding External Resource tiles
- Add and work with external resource tiles (i.e., iframe tiles) in a Crunch dashboard
Adding dashboard-level filters, known as “Groups”
- Add and work with Groups in a Crunch dashboard
Tile-level options
When you enter edit mode, you'll find that each dashboard 'tile' shows its own edit button upon hover which you can click to make changes to the contents of that tile. When you click to edit a dashboard tile, a slide-in panel appears which allows for further editing possibilities. Note that this edit panel is also available via the dashboard tray by hovering over any saved analysis and clicking the “Edit” option that appears. However you arrive into it, the edit panel contains up to four tabs depending on visualization type: Properties, Categories, Colors, and Options.
Properties tab
The Properties tab allows you to edit a variety of high-level aspects of your tile, including switching chart type, editing the tile title, and editing the tile description (which displays as a subtitle). This allows you to give your dashboard tiles descriptive titles that draw attention to key points — a bit like the heading of a PowerPoint slide. You can change the visualization type here too, though not all chart types will be available at once, depending on the type and number of dimensions in the current analysis. Other visualization types are planned for the future. If there's a particular kind you'd like to see, let us know at
Finally, you’ll find other general properties here which vary depending on the analysis type, but commonly include a choice of measure, decimal places, and whether to show/hide the values on graphs. Tables have an additional property of "Extend row labels" (default off), which makes the table use all the available horizontal space to better accommodate long labels.
Categories tab
The Categories tab lists all of the categories (and legend items in the case of a cross-tab) with checkboxes next to each. Simply uncheck any items you don't want to include in your dashboard chart, such as “Don’t know” and “None of these” options. The labels are editable which will enable you to avoid unsightly overlapping labels, and if you want to re-order them, simply drag them into the new order you want. Where appropriate, a sort-order button will appear, enabling you to cycle through descending, ascending and original order.
Colors tabs
The Colors tab allows you to set colors of your choosing for each category (or legend item, as applicable) either from a set of suggested colors or by entering precise color codes (Hex, RGB or HSL). You can also choose from a range of color palettes for quicker color assignment.
Options tab
The contents of the Options tab includes most of the following options, though the actual set will vary depending on the visualization type you’re working with.
Hide value axis
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Default — value axis shown | Value axis hidden (and “Show values” enabled) |
We recommend always enabling “Show values” if you hide the value axis, otherwise it will be hard for your users to interpret the visualization.
Hide gridlines
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Default — gridlines shown | Gridlines hidden |
Value axis — Min and Max
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Default — dynamic numeric axis range | Max set to 100 (as an example) |
Hide connecting bars
When confidence intervals are enabled for bar graphs, those intervals are connected to the category axis with thin bars. You can now hide these connecting bars if you prefer.
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Default — connecting bars shown | Connecting bars hidden |
Category axis label position (horizontal bars only)
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Default — category axis labels outside the plot | Category axis labels run along the bar length |
Show values
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Default — no values shown | With values displayed |
Fit to tile
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Default — bars sized to ‘best practice’ proportions | Bars spaced and sized to use the available tile area |
Most of these options are only for dashboard display and are not reflected in PowerPoint exports at this time.