You can open the dataset properties panel by clicking the caret icon to the right of the dataset name and selecting Dataset properties from the dropdown:
- The Dataset properties panel opens, which displays two tabs. The following shows the 'General' tab:
- The following shows the 'Viewer permissions' tab:
Explanation of dataset panel options
Dataset properties can be edited by the active editor (see Datasets with Multiple Editors).
The primary dataset properties page allows you to edit the following selections.
General menu
Name — Click the dataset name to edit it.
Location — Shows you the folder where the dataset is currently saved. Click the caret to the right of the folder path to either select Go to folder or Move to… options from the dropdown:
- Clicking the Move to... option opens a menu that allows you to move the dataset to a different folder. Locate the folder and click the Move to... option to move the dataset to the selected folder:
Clicking the Go to folder option closes the dataset properties panel and take you to the folder where the dataset is saved. If you made any changes to dataset properties, be sure to save them first by clicking the Save button.
Description — Click the dataset description to edit it.
Notes — If you have more detailed notes about the dataset beyond its description, you can include them here.
Start Date/End Date — When was the data collected? These properties are included to allow start and end dates (distinct from dataset creation and modification dates) to be included as dataset attributes.
Minimum base size — Suppress percentages that are based on too few total responses in their ‘base’ or margin in the direction of percentaging. For example, only show percentages for columns (with column-percentaging selected) if there are at least 50 rows in the data.
Target population size — The size of the population that a sample is meant to represent, and its magnitude. For example, a dataset that represents the United States population is about 320 million; if set, the display controls will allow tables and other displays to show all their values in terms of estimated population counts. See Target Population for more information.
Viewer permissions menu
The 'Viewer permissions' menu selections determine what options are available to dataset viewers. You can toggle the ability of viewers to export data, share the dataset, or change the dataset default weight.